It's 'bout as bad as it could be
Seems everybody's buggin' me
Like nothing wants to go my way--yeah,
it just ain't been my day
Nothin's comin' easily

For those who know me well exercise and I aren't friends. I actually despise it. My exercise growing up was ballet and if my body could fit into a leotard and tights without looking ridiculous right now I would be doing that.
I can only remember two times in my life when I really ran with a purpose. The first was the morning after Dhrumil and I first kissed. I had so much energy and I was freaking out...
run, run, OH MY GOSH WE KISSED run, run, WHAT THE HECK AM I DOING run, run, ARE WE AN ITEM NOW run, run WHAT WILL MY MOM SAY run, run AM I READY FOR THIS run, run HE IS SO CUTE run, run COULD HE BE MY HUSBAND run, run WOW AM I REALLY RUNNING run, run AHHH run, run...
The other time was after a heated discussion with my parents when I was in my after-college-figuring-out-life-moved-back-with-the-parents-who-am-I angst...
run, run, I AM MAD run,run WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY LIFE run, run WHERE AM I GOING run, run WHAT DOES LIFE MEAN run, run I MISS SCHOOL run, run WHAT IS MY PURPOSE run, run WHO AM I run, run...
You get the idea. I randomly thought of those instances today when thinking about what I should do for exercise. Although I didn't continue running either time... both were significant in helping me gather my thoughts, cool down, help me think and make me feel better.
And so I thought I'd try my hand at running. I really will try anything right now to feel better and today I actually had the drive.
So I have challenged myself to run... ok jog... for a whole week (unless it rains) and see how I fair. I'm hoping I can stick with this as it is hard to stick with anything right now.
Can only go up from here
where the clouds gonna clear
Up--up--up--There's no way but up from here
Shania helped me... or maybe I helped me... and I jogged the whole thing without stopping once!
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