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The first... ants. This morning I was upstairs when Mikayla ran to me and said that there were ants around her toys. I shrugged it off as something a three year old might say, but decided to investigate anyways. And there they were... on the kitchen floor... marching back and forth, crumbs from Mikayla's snack from yesterday on their backs, probably whistling a happy little tune. I immediately got the vacuum and tried not to panic as I acted out an ant's armageddon and sucked them up into oblivion. After remembering how the ant was the good guy in the movie I kinda felt bad for being the demise of so many small creatures.
The second... magnification. Dealing with PPD I feel as though everything in my life has become magnified ten times over. Little problems become huge. Past issues I have worked through and conquered are again rearing their ugly heads. Every day frustrations and even ordinary tasks are now the size of huge oatmeal cream sandwiches and are hard for me to navigate around.
And so... naturally... my brain put one and one together and Honey I Shrunk the Kids, with its amazing use of green screen and all, appeared to me as a metaphor for this moment in my life. Somehow I have been zapped into a very tiny person and, at times, feel as though I am trying to survive in a big bowl of cheerios... hoping I won't be eaten by the world around me. It is extremely frustrating feeling so small and at times I feel as though I will never make it out... never be me again. But there are and will continue to be those in my life who will help me get though this... including myself. And so I will continue to keep on trudging through this and be thankful for each "ant" that I come across. (Ok maybe I should have coexisted with the ants after all)
Nick, I've got six hours to get home, get big and get to the mall, now get moving.
- Anna Szalinski
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