Saturday, August 3, 2013


Staring at the screen... trying to un-jumble all of the thoughts in my head so I can write something that makes sense... all I know is the overwhelming feeling that is grabbing me right now. That feeling is one of warmth and love... love that I have felt from the support I have gotten since I have been home.

The support from friends, family, people I don't even know... the prayers, the emails, the cards, the flowers, the meals, the kind words, the childcare, the hugs, the listening ears... I have been blessed beyond anything I could ever think possible.

I have seen the love of God pour out through ALL of you and because of this I have been given the strength to continue my fight.

Thank you for showing me how precious I am in the eyes of God. Each moment I have is so much more real and so much more a gift to me then ever before.

1 comment:

Liz Danielsen said...

God has His special ways to bless us and show Himself faithful in so many ways. Yes, you are precious in His sight and He loves you and me. Praise the Lord!!!!