Saturday, November 24, 2012

Mikayla Rose - a big (SNIFF) girl!

Picking a Christmas Tree!
Is my baby girl seriously only 3 months and a some days away from being 3!?  I haven't written an update on Mikayla for sometime and wanted to make sure I did so before my brain is taken over by sleep deprivation.

A few days ago I was watching Mikayla play with my parents and had to hold back tears... I can't believe how big she is now. She has turned into a little kid right in front of my eyes... I have to stop myself and just stare or I am going to miss her transformation!

I will always treasure the past three months we have shared... being together all day, every day! My quitting work could not have come at a better time and I am so so glad to have had so much alone time with her before baby brother makes his voice known. The beginning of our journey was difficult here in PA... I think we were trying to figure out how being at home together worked... but now we in sync and I couldn't ask for a sweeter or smarter little girl!

Mikayla has been extremely perceptive from the start and this has grown with her. She is very aware of everything around her and you really can't pull anything past her. Her latest question that she asks ALL the time "Mama what you talking about?" Whether I am on the phone or talking with Dhrumil or to a friend... she wants to know everything.

Along with her perception comes her very sensitive and loving heart. She always wants to make sure everyone is ok, that everyone is having a good time. She gives long hugs and random kisses. She tells me she loves me in such a voice that melts my heart.

Mikayla loves to learn and one of our new games is to say a word, have her repeat it back and then explain the meaning. It is very funny when she says a word because it is usually made up... and her definitions always make us bite back grins.

Mikayla knows what she wants... and is very direct in saying so. She is a leader for sure and I think it will be interesting to watch her lead her brother. :) I think she takes after me in this respect.

She is now potty trained! HOORAY only one in diapers in a few weeks. The first time we tried it just wasn't working (more me than anything) and so we waited a few weeks, I prayed for patience... and after two days we had a major success! It has now been a little more than a month and she is doing so good!

Some of Mikayla's interests right now...

- Playing pretend (this just started and is so fun to watch her mind work!)
- Puzzles
- Reading together
- Cooking with us
- Playing with stickers
- Filling in her sticker charts
- Helping around the house
- Singing
- Walking Willoughby
- Playing at the park
- Crafts
- Coloring
- Dressing her "friends" (stuffed animals)

She also loves to talk about "baby brother" as she calls him and is very excited for him to come out of my tummy. I can't wait to see her as a big sister. She randomly puts her hand on my tummy and says "oh he's moving" or runs over to me and kisses my tummy.

There is so much more to say about my sweet one... but I am going to leave with one of her latest quotes. "Mama to get bigger I have to eat cookies, play in the leaves, drink water and sleep."


Molly Milligan said...

So sweet! Keep savoring the moments of watching her become what God created her to be!

Liz Danielsen said...

Precious are the gift of a child to parents. Thanks for sharing and in years to come, she will enjoy reading all about how it was when she was three years old!