Finally... a post all about Nolan! I have been meaning to write this every week since he has been born... I'm sorry Nolan! It is incredible the change in him already...
One Week Old |
Two Weeks Old |
Three Weeks Old |
Four Weeks Old |
Six Weeks Old (AH I didn't have any pictures during 5 weeks) |
Seven Weeks Old |
Two months old |
Nolan is such a joy and our little family is filled to the brim with love for him. The first month was the most challenging mainly because trying to figure out how to balance two kids takes time. Nolan was a happy baby all day, but every night at 6pm he would start screaming and not stop for close to three hours. This was very challenging, especially for two very sleep deprived parents who hardly had a moment to speak... but we made it through that thank God!
Nolan ate like a champ from the very beginning and by his five day visit to the Dr he had passed his birth weight! At two months he was 13 pounds 1 ounce and he is still eating every 2 - 3 hours a day. We are finally getting to closer to three hours increments though which is a nice.
Now at 11 weeks old Nolan is a happy camper. He is waking up about once a night to eat, he has been taking a two hour nap in the afternoons, he coos and smiles and only cries when he is hungry, tired or has a dirty diaper. Actually I shouldn't say cry... it's more like a yell. He is happy to just sit in his bouncy chair and watch his sister play, he HATES his gym but enjoys the swing. Whenever we are at church he always wakes up when there is music and I had a sweet moment where I was singing while holding him and he started to make noises that sounded like singing. Possibly a musician in the making?! He loves baths just like Mikayla did (and still does) and he also does well in his car seat. I say all this now to watch it change by tomorrow... but so is the life of a baby!
It is interesting to note the differences I see in him compared to Mikayla. He seems so much more chill... but maybe that is just because I am so much more relaxed. I also find that I can read him so much better than I could Mikayla. Maybe the complexity of girls starts as an infant? ;-) I love having a little boy and am drinking in every moment I have with his sweet baby self.
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