Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Table

Here's the story...

For the past few weeks Dhrumil has made it his mission to search for a patio set for our backyard. He has been on the computer looking at all the deals he can find and he's even gone to a few stores to scope out the goods. Saturday night he found a table he thought I would like at Lowes and since they do not do free shipping he thought we could take a field trip 40 minutes away to a Lowes.

Sunday morning came and Dhrumil found out that Lowes was open at 7am! How exciting for parents who now wake up around 6:30am EVERY day. He thought if we drove to Lowes at 8am we could make it back in an hour or so and make it to church. So we jumped in the car, found Lowes, decided on a table and though it seemed a bit large we decided it would fit on the roof of our car.

** Quick HISTORY of the roof ** Dhrumil has become a pro at strapping things onto the roof of our car. In order... futon, BIG comfy chair from Ikea, mattress, christmas trees, 5 drawer dresser (all the way from Indiana!!!) **

Because of our history with the roof of the car we thought a flat box would be nothing. WE WERE WRONG. Things that went wrong...

1. Dhrumil realized he didnt have his nifty straps and only had rope and so as he weaved the rope in and out of the car and over the box I sat in the car with Mikayla and nursed her, burped her and changed her poopy diaper... fun times

2. After applying the rope I thought it would be nice to stop at Home Depot and grab the chairs we wanted since we were driving past... BAD idea... the chairs didn't fit in the car so Dhrumil had to return them 5 minutes later... I was again in the car and at this point Mikayla was crying

3. On the highway we heard a big bang, got off and went to a gas station... the front of the box popped open, Dhrumil bought a role of duck tape and proceeded to tape up the box with the WHOLE role... meanwhile Mikayla was crying harder

4. We got back on the highway and after about a mile a truck drove by us honking and yelling while pointing. Looking in the mirror I noticed the box moving back and forth... we got off again at the mall where I then went to eat Chinese food with a happy Mikayla and Dhrumil went in search of something to secure the box on the roof. He found it and while securing the box I ate Hagendas Ice Cream with a happy Mikayla.

5. We all got back into the car with a now secure box on the roof and for the drive home we had unhappy Mikayla with an icky diaper.

Moral of the story? We need an SUV


theknowlans said...

Hilarious! Gotta love our husbands, right?

The Athearns said...

Elisabeth, I love your stories. :)