With my birthday tomorrow I have found myself overrun with thoughts on what the past 10 years have meant to me. Crowded with memories... beloved, despised, painful, joyful... they have made me who I am today.
When I was 22 and struggling with finding my place in the world I was told by a very wise person that the twenties are like a time on a trapeze... instead of knowing and seeing what trapeze you are going to jump to next... you are just left there, hanging hundreds of feet in the air, swinging back and forth, waiting to learn how to find the courage to let go and know that the next thing you feel will be the security of another bar. And then doing the same thing over and over until you reach the other side.
From college, to moving back home, to the career world, to navigating friendships as an "adult", to engagement, to marriage, to learning to become one with another person, to having a baby, to learning to balance this thing called life. I have navigated through choppy waters and many times felt as though I was off course and that the change would never end... as though the learning would never end. But through this learning I have come through to the other side unscathed and stronger for it.
I know one thing is for sure... I am entering my thirties at a very good place in my life.
For the first time I can truly say I know myself... I have discovered confidence and strength that I never knew I possessed and I have seen what God sees... a beautiful creation in myself! I am more in love with my husband then I was when first married and have witnessed what it means to truly love deeply and love unselfishly. I am blessed beyond belief with the precious life God has given me to take care of... Mikayla is my joy, my love, my heart.
Though leaving my twenties is somewhat bittersweet... I am ready! I am ready to take the next step in life. Though it may not exactly be as "steady" as the eye Dr. promised I know that navigating through will be easier because of the confidence I have in myself, in my marriage, in my family and in God.
Bring it On 30!! |